Learn more about our ongoing and accomplished Erasmus+ projects that we organise together with our partners.
Growing Flavours – Youth Exchange
Creating communities, one meal at a time. Growing Flavours is an experiential learning project focused on the social inclusion of young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, through a variety of activities related to food and cooking, aiming to empower the participants by creating a strong sense of community.
While learning, you meet like-minded people from all around Europe, create new connections, and grow your network.
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Spain.
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project go here.
Elements of Connection – Training Course
7-day training course to master the art of connecting with the people you work with, expand your communication skills, and learn new coaching tools and techniques.
Designed especially for people who work with people, “Elements of Connection” is a place to take a breath from your daily life and make a step forward in your professional development.
While learning, you meet like-minded people from all around Europe, create new connections, and grow your network.
Participating countries: Greece, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Ukraine.
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project go here.
NLP – New Language Practice – Training Course
NLP – New Language Practice project is implemented under Erasmus+ Programme, Action 1. Mobility of individuals, Mobility of youth workers.
The aim of the project is to stimulate accountability, committment and leadership, empower youth workers through Neuro-Linguistic Programming for self-awareness and effective outreach, empower youth workers with practical goal-setting tools and facilitate knowledge-sharing, network thinking, and project using NLP methods.
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Spain.
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project go here.
Dance Your Colours – Youth Exchange
Dance Your Colours project is implemented under Erasmus+ Programme, Action 1. Mobility of individuals, Youth exchange.
Our aim is to create space where everybody feels free in their self-expression, and is appreciated for their colours: their original personality and the way they contribute to the world. The motto of this project is celebrating diversity: within ourselves, in the group, and across different movement & dance styles and forms. Participants will experience movement & dance as a tool for making connection: between body, mind & soul, to other people, and environment. They will co-create this project by facilitating their own workshops, organizing local actions in their community, and sharing ideas.
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Spain.
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project go here.
EnCourage 3 – Personal Development and Intercultural Understanding through Travelling
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Travelling is a wonderful way to discover ourselves and the world we’re living in, to widen our horizons, to get out of our comfort zones, gain new perspectives, discover new cultures, have enriching encounters and so much more. We aim to encourage young people with fewer opportunities to travel and to prepare them for their upcoming journeys on a deep and meaningful level.
Participating countries: Serbia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Romania, Germany.
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project check the infoletter here or check the project webpage
Elements of connection – capacity building project on the topic of professional growth
“Elements of Connection” is a three-phased project, developed to build capacity in our organisations and empower young people to craft the life they want for themselves. The aim of the project is to create a space for young people to rethink the distances between personal, professional and community development, bring innovation to the way we work with young people, provide opportunities for continuous learning to the people who work within our organisations.
Participating countries: Latvia, Czech Republic, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Netherlands
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project check the infoletter here
The Art of Facilitation – theater tools for group work
The Art of Facilitation – theater tools for group work project is being implemented from the 31st of May 2021 till the 30th of July 2022 within Erasmus+ Programme, Action 1. Mobility of individuals, Youth mobility.
Our project aims to improve facilitation skills of youth workers by equipping them with theatrical and team coaching tools.
Contract number: 2020-3-PL01-KA105-095001
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project go here.
We Grow
We Grow projektem partnerskim realizowanym w ramach programu Erasmus + Akcja 1. Mobilności edukacyjne, mobilność osób pracujących z młodzieżą.
Długofalowym celem projektu jest podnoszenie jakości pracy wszystkich organizacji partnerskich. W trakcie szkolenia 16 przedstawicieli organizacji partnerskich będzie rozwijać swoje kompetencje w zakresie pracy systemowej i konstelacji.
Organizacje uczestniczące: Roes Cooperativa, Brno Connected, New Wellness Education, MOVE to Be You, Vega Youth Center / Vega omladinski centar, Fundacja Wspierania Rozwoju Innowator, YOUth Connect, Be Visible Be YOU, Collippo, Blue Monkey Association, wEUnite, Asociación Juvenil Intercambia, POINT of VYOU, IDEA Alzira.
Projekt współfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+.
Zapoznaj się ze szczegółami projektu.
Youth Guide | Basic Synergy Training
Youth Guide jest naszym projektem partnerskim realizowanym przez Smokinya Foundation w ramach programu Erasmus + Akcja 1. Mobilności edukacyjne, mobilność osób pracujących z młodzieżą.
Youth Guide to trening odpowiedni dla Ciebie, jeśli jesteś gotowy kwestionować swoje negatywne przekonania, założenia i koncepcje, wyznaczać długoterminowe cele, zdobywać pewność siebie we wszystkich dziedzinach życia, przejąć odpowiedzialność za swoje działania, całkowicie zaangażować się w trakcie treningu, pozbyć się uprzedzeń, zastanowić się nad działaniami, które podejmujesz.
Projekt współfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+.
Aby zapisać się wypełnij formularz rekrutacyjny.
Zapoznaj się z informacjami o projekcie.
Upskilled - warsztat rozwoju osobistego dla osób pracujących z młodzieżą
Upskilled to warsztat kierowany do osób pracujących z młodzieżą, młodych liderów, młodych przedsiębiorców. W jego trakcie uczestnicy będą mogli doświadczyć siebie w roli lidera, podnieść swoje kompetencje w zakresie mentoringu oraz dowiedzieć się w jaki sposób mogą wywiarać wpływ. Zapraszamy osoby, które chcą działać na rzecz swoich celów i marzeń!
Celem tego projektu jest zgromadzenie osób pracujących z młodzieżą z różnych środowisk społecznych i kulturowych. Uczestnicy projektu otrzymają praktyczne narzędzia i metody planowania, realizacji i oceny projektów międzynarodowych, rozwijają umiejętności osobiste i sposób myślenia, takie jak kreatywność, elastyczność, zdolność do podejmowania ryzyka.
Kraje uczestniczące: Niemcy, Bułgaria, Czechy, Rumunia, Grecja, Turcja, Węgry, Portugalia, Polska, Włochy, Serbia, Łotwa
Projekt współfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+.
Formularz zgłoszeniowy do projektu do pobrania tutaj.
Zapoznaj się ze szczegółowymi informacjami.
Dance Your Colours - Youth Exchange
Dance Your Colours project is implemented under Erasmus+ Programme, Action 1. Mobility of individuals, Youth exchange.
Our aim is to create space where everybody feels free in their self-expression, and is appreciated for their colours: their original personality and the way they contribute to the world. The motto of this project is celebrating diversity: within ourselves, in the group, and across different movement & dance styles and forms. Participants will experience movement & dance as a tool for making connection: between body, mind & soul, to other people, and environment. They will co-create this project by facilitating their own workshops, organizing local actions in their community, and sharing ideas.
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Spain.
This project is co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+
To register go to application form.
To learn more about the project go here.
WIDER HORIZONS is implemented from December 2020 to July 2022 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Educational Mobility, Mobility of Adult Education Staff.
The main goal of the project is to raise the competences of 8 Foundation’s trainers – adult education staff in the area of planning, organizing, promoting and implementing international training projects for multicultural groups and increase the attractiveness of educational offer and strengthen international dimension of the Development Support Foundation “Innovator”.
Contract number 2020-1-PL01-KA104-079945
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
For more information go here.
The main goal for the project is to provide youth workers with skills in media literacy and creative methods to challenge toxic narratives in our communities.
Thera are going to do be two activities: two training courses. During the 1st training course (12.–17. 03. 2022), we will discover how toxic messages (prejudices, stereotypes, hate speech) are embedded in our heads and will identify the narratives’ build-up process. From April to June 2022, we will carry out a research phase among our target groups, identifying and mapping what toxic messages are anchored in our local communities. And in the 2nd training course (1.–6. 7. 2022), we will learn creative methods for transforming toxic messages and will create counter-massages to tackle the toxic narratives present in our communities.
To learn more about the trainings go here.
Transformation is a partner project implemented under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility. Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
Play the Way!
Play the Way! is a partner project implemented from June 2020 to December 2022 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility.
The main goal for the project is to support youth workers with the creation of gamification mindset and personalized toolkit they can apply in their local circumstances and to increase the employability of the youth and switch their mindset towards education and work (volunteering) as something that can be attractive.
Thera are going to do be two activities: a training course about gamification and a Youth Exchange for target groups of our partners focused on the labor market (one of the most burning topics of every youth).
Contract number 2020-1-CZ01-KA105-077618
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
To learn more about the training go here.
To learn more about the youth exchange go here.
Catch Your Moment
Catch Your Moment is a partner project implemented from May 2019 to September 2021 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility.
The aim of the Catch Your Moment is to empower youth workers to apply improvisational theatre as an innovative tool to increase the sense of youth entrepreneurship and prepare them to successfully get engaged with the labour market as social entrepreneurs, learn from each experience and take these into their local communities.
The 28 participants will be from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Greece, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain and Turkey.
Contract number 2019-1-BG01-KA105-062211
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
To learn more about the project go here
reSTORation is a partner project implemented from November 2019 to November 2020 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility.
The aim of the project is to boost communication abilities of youth workers and youth, specifically: storytelling, presentation skills, performance, and effective communication, active listening, be able to create and present a story according to the needs of their target group, become more aware of how exclusion and inclusion are created and what to do about it, become aware of the cultural stories and how they are influencing the people.
There will be two main activities: an APV meeting in February 2020 and a youth exchange for 45 participants and 9 youth leaders from 9 countries: the Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece.
Contract number 2019-2-NL02-KA105-002549
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
To learn more about the project go here
Vision Ahead – media and promo skills for NGOs and social enterprises
Vision Ahead – media and promo skills for NGOs and social enterprises is a partner project implemented from MAy 2019 to April 2020 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility.
The main goal of the project is to increase awareness among youth workers about the importance of video as a tool for disseminating their results and raise the visibility of their organisations in order to increase their impact, to provide youth workers with knowledge on how to create a story with a clear message, to film efficiently and to use media channels effectively in order to promote it and reach their target group and to develop youth worker’s skills in filming, editing and publishing videos.
The main activity of the project is a the Training Course Vision Ahead taking place in Plovdiv, from 20.11.2019 until 27.11.2019 and involving 11 organisation from 11 different countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Germany, Latvia, FYR Macedonia.
Contract number 2019-1-BG01-KA105-061738
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
To learn more about the project go here
Coach Your Team by Coaching Yourself
Coach Your Team by Coaching Yourself is a partner project implemented from January 2019 to January 2020 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility.
The main goal for the project is to give practical tools and methods to youth workers so that they have new nonformal educational methods to use with their target groups, and they also learn how to support their mental-, physical- and work life condition.
The main activity of the project is an 8 day training course which will be realised between 22-29 October 2019 in Ravnogor, Bulgaria, with 32 participants involved from 14 organisations and countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Romania.
Contract number 2018-3-BG01-KA105-061179
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
To learn more about the project go here
Entrepreur Lab
Entrepreneur Lab is a partner project implemented from January 2019 to October 2019 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility..
ENTREPRENEUR LAB is a 9-day international training, June 6-14, 2019, in Dolni Lozen, Bulgaria. In partnership with 11 organizations from 11 countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Portugal. Participants in the training will have a total of 31 participants: 26 participants, 3 facilitators and 2 professional trainers.
Contract number 2018-3-BG01-KA105-060986
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
To learn more about the project go here
ELEVATE is implemented from September 2018 to December 2019 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Educational Mobility, Mobility of Adult Education Staff.
The main goal of the project is to raise the competences of 7 Foundation’s trainers – adult education staff in the area of planning, organizing, promoting and implementing international training projects for multicultural groups and increase the attractiveness of educational offer and strengthen international dimension of the Development Support Foundation “Innovator”.
Contract number 2018-1-PL01-KA104-049658
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.

Competency Improvement Program
The “Competency Improvement Program” is being implemented from September 2016 to August 2017 under the Erasmus + Program, Action 1. Educational Mobility, Mobility of Adult Education Staff and is co-funded under the European Union Erasmus + Program.
The main goal of the project was to raise the knowledge and skill of 5 Foundation’s trainers – adult education staff to improve the quality of teaching and learning and to adapt them to the needs of the national and EU labour market and increase the attractiveness and international dimension of the Development Support Foundation “Innovator”.
Contract number 2016-1-PL01-KA104-025815
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus+ Program.
Strengthening the potential of the Development Support Foundation “Innovator”
Project “Strengthening of the Potential of the Development Support Foundation “Innovator” was implemented from May to August 2016 within the framework of the project Lublin Locally Microdonations FIO, co-financed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy within the framework of the Government Program – Civil Initiatives Fund.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the potential and development of the Development Support Foundation “Innovator until 31 August 2016. The goal will be achieved by creating a coherent visual identification system to promote the foundation’s activities and services aimed at the development of entrepreneurial attitudes of children and young people of lubelskie voivodeship.
Contract number 256/ID1460/FIO/2016
Link to the sponsor’s website http://www.lubelskielokalnie.lbl.pl/
