Practicing coaching at Olde Vechte Foundation in Netherlands
Agnieszka Pater
Katarzyna Kałczyńska
November 8, 2019
Once again, we trusted Olde Vechte and the working methods they use in working with groups. Two trainers went on a 7-day training, where in an international environment, they developed communication skills and enriched their coaching method with new tools.
In addition, they were inspired by a provocative approach in coaching the Dutch excel in. They also experienced themselves in multicultural teams and learnt how to use the potential of diversity when working with groups.
You can find a training report below.
For Agnieszka it was an extraordinary experience which consisted of seven days of intensive trainings, an international group of forty participants and a team of experienced trainers.
During the entire stay, the emphasis was placed on practicing coaching skills and building your own working method. Each participant could look at their own style, their natural resources as well as their limitations. The most valuable thing for me was the opportunity to try out various techniques such as provocative coaching, system coaching, body work or meditation in a safe environment. Thanks to this I enriched my own coaching toolbox with new methods and had the opportunity to receive feedback from other participants during the supervision meetings. I am sharing my inspirations from the training in the article “Constellations in coaching. How to build a 3D relationship map”.
Training at Olde Vechte can be recommended to both experienced coaches and those who make their first steps in coaching.

The most valuable thing for me was the opportunity to try out various techniques such as provocative coaching, system coaching, body work or meditation in a safe environment. Thanks to this I enriched my own coaching toolbox with new methods and had the opportunity to receive feedback from other participants during the supervision meetings.
How did Kasia experienced this training?
I knew it would be an extraordinary experience, because the Olde Vechte Foundation was organizing this training for the twenty-sixth time. I was not disappointed! The organization of the training in a group of more than forty people was excellent. I was impressed by the variety of constellations we worked in. We have learned in pairs, small reflection groups and also as one big group. You can read more large group trainings in Olde Vechte in the article How to conduct trainings for large international groups.
I took part in an intensive training, during which I was discovering the secrets of coaching. It was all happening in an international group of people from Europe, Asia and Africa. I received very valuable knowledge and a lot of time to check how it works in practice, reflect my work and make things clear during a QA sessions.
However, what will actually stay with me for longer is the approach that includes body in the coaching process. First of all, I myself benefited from embodied learning in this training and secondly I got to know useful techniques of work with a client that include the body. This has been a milestone in my professional development and a wonderful enrichment of my psychological and coaching skills.
You can read about embodied learning techniques in psychological, coaching or training practice in my article EMBODIED LEARNING – The story of mystery, techniques and getting in touch with myself.

However, what will actually stay with me for longer is the approach that includes body in the coaching process. First of all, I myself benefited from embodied learning in this training and secondly I got to know useful techniques of work with a client that include the body. This has been a milestone in my professional development and a wonderful enrichment of my psychological and coaching skills.

Projekt współfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+ (Akcja 1 Mobilność edukacyjna, Mobilność kadry edukacji dorosłych, numer umowy 2018-1-PL01-KA104-049658).