Train the trainers in Limassol
Bartosz Krupa
October 7, 2019
From September 30th till October 4th, 2019 one of our trainers participated in “Train the Trainer” training, organized by Dorea Educational Institute in Limassol, Cyprus. The training is the consecutive activity of our ELEVATE project.
Below you will find a short summary of what happened there.
The main purpose of the “Train The Trainer ” training was to improve participants’ skills in conducting various types of educational activities.
Daily sessions were conducted by charming, yet very focused on his role Panayiotis Proestos . They gave participants a lot of practical knowledge, supported by numerous examples from the professional life of our trainer, who is a psychologist and psychotherapist.

The exchange of experiences between participants also played a very important role – after all, knowledge supported by practice is easier to learn.
The exchange of experiences between participants also played a very important role – after all, knowledge supported by practice is easier to learn. Together with other participants, we exchanged ideas, our experiences, and also suggested mutual solutions to problems that bother us in our daily work.
The trainer drew our attention to things that are not always obvious, such as self-care during training. We also learned to create the right atmosphere during training. An important element was knowledge about storytelling and its role in training.

Dla mnie osobiście korzyścią były nowe pomysły na lodołamacze (ice-breakers). Dostałem informację zwrotną na temat mojej mowy ciała, czego mam unikać, a co wzmacniać w pracy z grupami.
For me personally, the new ice-breakers ideas were a benefit. I received feedback on my body language, what to avoid and what to strengthen when working with groups.
The training gave participants a lot of theory, but supported by reliable practice, both of the lecturer and the participants, which is undoubtedly a great added value.

We also learned to create the right atmosphere during training. An important element was knowledge about storytelling and its role in training.
In his article on „Self-care in the life of a trainer, how to avoid burnout”, Bartek shares his inspirations from Train the trainer training in Cyprus .
Projekt współfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+ (Akcja 1 Mobilność edukacyjna, Mobilność kadry edukacji dorosłych, numer umowy 2018-1-PL01-KA104-049658).